FEIFA launches service for Europe-bound IFAs

 FEIFA has partnered with Sterling Associates to offer a service to help IFAs relocate Europe.


According to Joe Meade, the principle of Sterling Associates, the trend has gathered pace over the past year and has been driven by increasing living and working costs in Asia and the Middle East.

During this period, rising prices in both regions, particularly Asia, have hit the headlines.

In January, international property adviser Savills said that financial hub Hong Kong had become the most expensive city internationally in which to buy property, after properties doubled in value in the previous five years.

Asian economies have also struggled with rising prices more generally, and China’s year-on-year inflation is running at more than 6%, according to data published last month.

Meanwhile in Dubai, while the property market has had a disinflationary impact on the economy, food, non-alcoholic beverage and transport costs have risen at an annual rate of almost 7%.

Meade, whose company has been sourcing and placing advisers to and from Asia, the Middle East and Australia for more than ten years, said: “Europe has never been more attractive.”

FEIFA’s partnership with Sterling Associates allows advisers using the service to advertise jobs to those based in Asia or the Middle East, and who are looking to come back to Europe, while IFAs in those regions can use it to find work.