Investment platform launches in UAE

To serve the increasing number of high net worth individuals in the region


Global private equity investment platform Moonfare has unveiled its operations in the UAE.

Individual investors of all seven emirates, with the exception of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), now have access to private equity funds via the Moonfare platform.

The company aims to help individuals invest directly into pre-vetted private equity funds that were formerly only accessible for institutional investors.

UAE citizens can use the Moonfare portfolio with a minimum investment of $60,000 (£50,000, €58,700).

Steffen Pauls, chief executive and founder of Moonfare, said: “We are very excited to have achieved this important milestone and to realise Moonfare’s expansion into the UAE. We see enormous growth potential in this region.

“The UAE holds one of the largest pools of private capital globally and is home to increasing numbers of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs). This group is looking for new opportunities to diversify their portfolios and is showing strong demand for better digital offerings when it comes to wealth management.”

Headquartered in Berlin, Moonfare operates in 25 countries across Europe, Asia, America and has offices in New York, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Singapore and Zürich.