Free multi-asset tool on offer for all intermediaries

To help advisers avoid building ‘Frankenstein’s monster portfolios’


Scopic Research is rolling out three “twists” on multi-asset investment research, which it claims are not available anywhere else.

All intermediaries will gain access to its Multi Asset DNA proposition, which includes reports on individual funds, a portfolio blending tool and a sentiment indicator.

Paul Ilott, managing director at Scopic Research, said: “If intermediaries currently recommend, review, or blend multi-asset funds for their clients, then they need to know about each multi-asset fund’s unique DNA because this can be key when preparing clients for the likely investment journey and, therefore, contributing towards the intermediary’s consumer duty obligations.

“It’s also vital for monitoring multi-asset fund performance, and when considering client suitability. Our launch is the product of more than 10 years researching multi asset solutions.”

Intermediaries will be able to filter Scopic’s database of DNA reports by using combinations of investment outcomes specifically designed to reflect client needs for different classifications of growth, income delivery, volatility management, likely volatility risk versus broader equity markets, and methods of ESG management.

The reports include a graphical depiction of each multi-asset fund’s characteristics, which can be used to help explain the recommended funds to clients.

The portfolio blending tool is designed to help intermediaries visualise the possible diversification benefits from combining their choice of two multi-asset funds in one larger client portfolio.

Scopic said its aim “is to help intermediaries avoid building Frankenstein’s monster portfolios that compound the same performance drivers, such as investment styles and other factors”.

Finally, its quarterly sentiment indicator shows the current views of “some of the UK’s leading multi-asset teams” towards a broad range of asset classes.

Intermediaries can register for free access at