Quilter unveils level 6 retirement planning qualification unit

It will be available from February 2022


The Quilter Financial Adviser School (QFAS) has launched its Level 6 Financial Planning in Retirement (FPIR) qualification unit, provided by the London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF).

It will be added to the school’s offering from February 2022, and applications to join the first cohort to undertake the unit are now open.

The LIBF Financial Planning in Retirement qualification unit will be available as both a fifth module of the current QFAS Level 6 offering, and as a qualification in its own right with a separate designation for those who successfully complete the unit.

QFAS worked closely with the LIBF to develop the Financial Planning in Retirement unit, which offers a unique assessment process designed to equip students with the skills required in financial advice as a profession.

Students will be assessed in three ways, including forum contributions, a video presentation, and a timed assessment.


Julian Hince, head of the Quilter Financial Adviser School, said: “We are delighted to be adding the new LIBF Financial Planning in Retirement unit to our already robust Level 6 programme.

“We are proud to have worked closely with the LIBF to develop this unit, which complements and expands our current Level 6 offering and ensures those who undertake the unit are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to provide effective retirement planning advice.

“The FPIR also demonstrates an evolution in the way such qualifications are assessed. Unlike those currently available, timed, invigilated exams are not a requirement of this unit. Instead, the qualification embraces a unique assessment process developed in response to the needs of financial advice as a profession, as well as the feedback of previous students.

“We look forward to welcoming the first cohort of students undertaking this unit in February 2022.”