Jersey regulator appoints board apprentice

Move is believed to be a world first


The Jersey Financial Services Commission has opened up its board to an apprentice as part of an island-wide programme.

Catherine Watson, chief internal auditor of the States of Jersey and a fellow chartered accountant, will undertake a year’s placement from 1 April 2021.

She will gain real-life board experience and sit in on commission meetings and receive mentoring.

According to the JFSC, “this placement also marks the first across the world where an apprentice is able to observe the board of a regulator”.

More women in leadership

The watchdog signed up to the I Will programme, which is run by the government of Jersey in conjunction with Board Apprentice; a not-for-profit social franchise dedicated to increasing diversity on boards, globally.

The goal is to increase the number of women in senior leadership positions in and outside of government.

JFSC chair Mark Hoban commented: “I wanted the JFSC to support the I Will programme to offer more leadership opportunities for women in the public sector and to make an active contribution to improving diversity.

“I am delighted that Catherine will be joining us as a board apprentice. I believe that Catherine and the JFSC will benefit hugely from this experience.”

Kate Nutt, chair of the I Will steering group for the government of Jersey, commented: “The I Will programme was launched to support and inspire more women into leadership roles in the public sector.

“We’re excited to be working with the Board Apprentice team and the JFSC on this initiative, which will support the personal and professional development of our female colleagues, as well as bringing new perspectives and experience to the host boards. It’s fantastic news that Catherine has been appointed.”

Charlotte Valeur, founder and chair of Board Apprentice, added: “I am delighted to have the JFSC taking part in the government of Jersey’s I Will initiative as a host board. The JFSC is the first financial regulator globally to lead the way in taking an active role in the development of tomorrow’s board members.”

Editor’s Note: In association with our sister publications, International Adviser has launched a Campaign for Better Governance.

It will see us shine a spotlight on investment companies as well as the businesses in which they invest.