International wealth manager unveils Dubai operation

In a bid to expand solutions available to both private and corporate clients


International firm GSB Capital has rolled out a wealth management service in Dubai.

The company has ambitious growth plans focusing on delivering tailored solutions to both private and corporate clients.

GSB said it will leverage its existing partnerships and several joint ventures to complement the offering to its customers.

The wealth manager is registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and is also regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).

Outside of the UAE, the business is regulated in the UK and Europe.

As part of its growth plans, GSB intends to upgrade its existing Category 4 DIFC licence to Category 3 by 2022, which will allow it to offer custodian services as well.

‘Give investors comfort’

The wealth business expects to hire more members of staff to support its expansion in the UAE.

“Our focus is on bringing the best possible solutions to our clients’ wealth management and financial guardianship needs through our business strategy,” said Ross Whatnall, chief executive and founder of GSB. “Utilising strategies in innovative, socially responsible investments, we aim to deliver trusted performance for our clients.

“By taking an ethical and transparent fee-based approach for our advice, our clients have peace of mind they will receive an entirely autonomous approach.”

In regards to the firm’s regulated status and plans to expand its licence, he added: “These additional compliance commitments are an important way for us to give all investors comfort about the fact we are properly regulated.”