UK life insurer CEO dies

He had been at the firm for over 30 years


The chief executive of mutual life insurer Scottish Friendly has died.

Jim Galbraith started his career in 1984 as an actuarial assistant at Scottish Life, then moved to Scottish Life Assurance in 1986, and two years later joined Scottish Friendly where he stayed for 33 years.

Following Galbraith’s passing, Martin Pringle will become acting chief executive.

Neil Lovatt, commercial director of Scottish Friendly, said: “Jim was my friend, and a great friend to so many in Scottish Friendly. We were lucky to have him in our life office. He believed fundamentally in the mutual ethos of Scottish Friendly and had a keen sense of its heritage and historic mission.

“To that end he built an incredibly deep and strong team committed to our vision and dedicated to continuing Scottish Friendly’s successful strategy. It is for us, the employees of Scottish Friendly, to honour his faith in us and continue to deliver for our current and future members.”


Pringle added: “This is an incredibly difficult time for everyone in Scottish Friendly. Jim led this historic organisation with passion and vision, and he will be greatly missed by everyone.

“No one wants to take on an organisation in such circumstances but, having worked closely with Jim over the years, together with everyone in Scottish Friendly I will continue to take the society forward and ensure that Jim Galbraith would be proud of us all.”

David Huntley, chair of Scottish Friendly, said: “This is, understandably, a terrible shock for all of us at Scottish Friendly and our thoughts and prayers are with Jim’s family at this difficult time.

“We are also providing support to our staff, many of whom have known Jim for a significant amount of time.”