UK fund manager cleared of indecent assault

Junior female banker claimed the incident happened in 1998


Crispin Odey, the former chief executive of Odey Asset Management, has been found not guilty of indecent assault.

The allegations were brought by a young female banker who claimed that the high-profile fund manager “lunged at her” and groped her during a private meeting in his home in 1998.

Odey admitted to having made a pass at the woman, but denied having ‘lunged at her’.

Odey’s lawyer Crispin Aylett said: “It is not so easy to be consistent about the detail if it did not happen.

“[The complainant] is so determined to win this case that she will say anything to put this case in the best possible light.”

“It is a horrible slur and a great shame,” Odey added. “I’ve tried not to think about it but it’s very hard to bear.”

In his statement, judge Nicholas Rimmer said: “I […] find you not guilty. I acquit you and you will leave this courthouse with your good character intact.”