Swiss-Asia expands to target growth in financial entrepreneurs

Swiss-Asia Financial Services (Swiss-Asia), a Singapore-based independent asset management company, said it plans to expand its operations to meet the rising demand coming from entrepreneurial finance professionals.

Swiss-Asia expands to target growth in financial entrepreneurs


Swiss-Asia, which operates a fund management platform, a wealth management platform and a B2B platform, provides business incubation services to finance professionals in the city state. Independent investors, consultants and fund managers can also use its network and experience in Asia to start business operations.

The company said it wanted to reach out to the growing number of private bankers who are leaving large establishments to start their own businesses.

The firm said its assets under management, which include accounts managed by independent wealth managers, are expected to grow to S$2.5bn (£1.1bn, $1.8bn) at the end of this year up from S$1.5 billion at the end of 2014.

“Of the S$2.5 billion expected by the end of 2015, about two-thirds will be from independent wealth managers, while the remaining will come from launching new funds below S$100 million,” said Olivier Mivelaz, CEO and Founding Partner at Swiss-Asia Financial Services.