Mental health takes centre stage

Awareness week could not come at a better time as advisers struggle amid coronvirus crisis


People are having to cope with a lot of issues because of the coronavirus pandemic, from lockdown loneliness to protecting vulnerable loved ones.

Financial advisers are no exception.

In addition to concerns about their own families and loved ones; they also have older, more vulnerable clients.

This is compounded by higher demand for their services and ensuring their firms can stay afloat.

Having already been in lockdown in the UK for two months, the timing of Mental Health Week could not have been better.


To coincide with the awareness week and offer help and support during this especially difficult time, Quilter has unveiled a version of its employee support programme for financial advisers globally.

Thrive for advisers forms part of Quilter’s ‘There for you’ website, which was unveiled to support advice businesses through the covid-19 outbreak.

The Thrive hub offers a range of materials aimed at supporting the wellbeing of financial advisers and their clients during the pandemic, including:

  • Podcasts and videos from Quilter’s own and external wellbeing experts and behavioural economists;
  • Tips on working effectively from home, staying connected and balancing work and caring responsibilities; and
  • Materials on how to cope with isolation and build resilience.

Relevant extracts and downloadable PDFs directly from the employee toolkit are available to financial advisers with immediate effect.

The hub will also include a selection of the blogs from Quilter employees on how they have tackled their mental health challenges.

Making a big difference

Paul Feeney, chief executive of Quilter, said: “This pandemic is the biggest behavioural and emotional challenge of our time.

“We launched our Thrive programme of mental health support for our colleagues in 2018, as I wanted Quilter to be a place where it is ok not to be ok, where we can all put our burden down.

“Our workplace has now changed to our own homes and it’s just as important that we all feel supported, and that extends to the advisers that work with us.

“The hub is full of tools, resources, podcasts, webinars about building resilience and looking after your mental health at this time. I hope it will help advisers to reflect, and perhaps do some small things that will make a big difference.

“Clients place their trust in their adviser every day and to them they are more than just financial advisers, they are coaches and friends.”