Covid-19 travel flouters denied hospital coverage in Singapore

Intended to discourage actions that are against ‘the government’s containment and mitigation efforts’


The Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA) has said there will be no hospitalisation coverage for individuals who violate the country’s travel advisory and are admitted for suspected covid-19.

In line with the Ministry of Health’s announcement on 24 March 2020, Singapore residents and long-term pass holders will not be able to claim under MediShield Life (MSHL) or Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) if they:

  • Leave Singapore from 27 March 2020, in disregard of travel advice;
  • Are admitted for suspected covid-19; and
  • Have onset of symptoms within 14 days of returning to Singapore.

Discouraging actions

Singapore residents who meet the above criteria will not be able to claim from MSHL or IP for treatments at public or private hospitals.

LIA said that “foreigners” who meet the criteria will also not be able to claim from Medisave-approved non-integrated shield plans, as these are subject to the same requirements as IPs.

The association added: “Life insurers in Singapore are aligned with the government’s position on this matter, and support efforts to minimise the spread of covid-19.

“This includes discouraging actions which run counter to the government’s containment and mitigation efforts.”