Winners of inaugural Global Education Trust Awards unveiled

A professional body granting qualifications for competence and ethical behaviour in the financial advisory sector has announced the recipients of its awards aimed at rewarding financial literacy among university students.

Winners of inaugural Global Education Trust Awards unveiled


The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (Cisi) presented the winners of the first edition of the Global Education Trust Awards.

Four students from Sri Lanka, India, Spain and Singapore will get insight into working in the financial services sector in London by spending a week’s work experience in financial services firms in July.

Work placements

Two of them will be spending a week at wealth management firm Quilter Cheviot in London.

“During my work placement I look forward to learning more about London’s financial services industry, particularly fintech,” said Tan Hui Ying, who is currently completing a Diploma in Financial Business and Informatics at Temasek Polytechnic Singapore.

Vivek Premnath of Jain University Bangalore is working towards completing the Cisi Investment Operations Certificate and will also spend a week with Quilter Cheviot in London.

“I hope to get some invaluable corporate exposure and a practical outlook on the financial services industry,” he said.

Xavier Ysarn Pelaez of Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona is studying for a Masters in Financial Markets. He has a week’s work placement with Turquoise, part of the London Stock Exchange, in London.

“I’m looking forward to learning how professionals in an important international financial market, such as London, think and work,” Xavier said.

Lastly, Nilukshi Jayawardena of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka has recently completed her Bachelor in Business Administration Degree in Finance. Her week’s work placement is with the Union Bank of India in London.

“I’m looking forward to learning about the provision of financial services in a foreign jurisdiction, including obtaining know-how on how financial products are priced, pitched/marketed and the organisational culture,” Nilukshi said.

Assessment criteria

To enter the awards, Cisi global partner universities were invited to nominate students. The process for nomination differed across the regions but included the submission of a personal statement, an 800-word essay, interviews and presentations.

The initiative forms part of Cisi’s efforts to support diversification and employability in the financial services profession at a global level.