JP Morgan AM’s Webb on the challenges of pension freedom

The new world of pension freedom and increased life expectancy requires financial advisers to adopt a different approach to dealing with clients approaching or in retirement, argues Nick Webb of JP Morgan Asset Management.


Webb, who is UK platform strategic relationship manager for the investment house, says providing an income for a retirees who could live well into their nineties is one of the biggest challenges.

In this video he outlines the two key areas that advisers have to take into account when talking to clients about retirement, and details the importance of being to generate income throughout their life.  

There’s no single product or strategy that will meet the needs of all clients, Webb says, and advisers will have to spend more time understanding client requirements and spending habits to be able to offer a more holistic financial plan.

He details how JP Morgan AM seeks to blend income funds that produce yield together with growth-oriented funds to meet differing a client profiles.


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