HSBC GAM latest passive provider to join ETF Forum

HSBC Global Asset Management is the latest exchange-traded fund (ETF) provider to join the ETF Forum, an industry body tasked with educating UK financial advisers about the passive investment products.

HSBC GAM latest passive provider to join ETF Forum


Dan Rudd, head of UK wholesale at the asset manager, said the decision to join came as ETFs appeared to be gaining traction among investors.

“While clients have historically found it can be difficult to realise the potential of ETFs and the benefits [they] provide within a well-diversified portfolio, we believe this view is changing,” he said.

HSBC GAM joins other asset managers such as BMO Global Asset Management, ETF Securities, WisdomTree as well as the London Stock Exchange.

The partnership was established in May 2016 with the aim of helping intermediaries learn how to use ETFs as well as related topics such as trading costs and liquidity issues.

However, last month Source ETF, one of the forum’s founding members, left the group less than a year after its creation, explaining that it would rather focus on “digital content”.