gibraltar publishes guide in a bid to attract fund

The Gibraltar Funds & Investments Association has published a guide for funds and fund managers, in a bid to attract more business to the jurisdiction.

gibraltar publishes guide in a bid to attract fund


GFIA’s guide coincides with the European Parliament’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive which is expected to be passed into national law by 22 July this year. Within the AIFMD are new rules designed to harmonize the regulation of funds which do not sit within a Ucits structure.

Due to this harmonization, Gibraltar said through this new guide it hopes to highlight in which ways it distinguishes itself from other jurisdictions, while complying with EU law.

The guide is aimed at both an EU and international audience and provides an outline of Gibraltar and the local fund industry, giving examples of the various fund structures available, as well as taxation and regulation.

To download a copy of the guide click here