Aussie research firm unveils real estate-focused IFA platform

SQM Research has created an investment analysis platform for financial advisers that offers access to residential real estate data alongside a standard mutual funds research service.

Aussie research firm unveils real estate-focused IFA platform


The Australian platform is available to advisers for subscriptions starting at A$3,000 (£1,824, $2,392, €2,039).

It provides analytics on more than 9,000 actively managed funds and Australian Securities Exchange-listed stocks.

Focus on real estate

As part of the new service offering, SQM Research’s platform includes automated residential real estate property valuations and risk-profiling in what will be an Australian first, the company said.

“Our expanded analytics platform puts SQM Research on a level playing field with its peers – with one big advantage – our service is significantly more cost effective and includes residential property research, equities data, as well as investment fund qualitative ratings, enabling advisers to give a more detailed statement of advice,” said SQM managing director Louis Christopher.

He added the new platform will enable SQM “to achieve its ultimate goal of building a fully encompassing dashboard where professionals will be able to insert any fund name, any listed entity and any property address to receive a full risk-return profile”.

“This has been a significant missing piece when advisers write a statement of advice (SOA). SQM will overcome this gap,” Christopher said.

Portfolio blending tools 

The platform also provides a “portfolio blending” service which integrates with direct equities analytics and will eventually integrate with individual residential property risk-return profiling. 

“As part of this endeavour, we will shortly begin the task of calculating the individual risk profile of every established residential dwelling in the country,” Christopher said.

“We are also on the path to building next-generation desktop property valuation models that can take into account detailed information on new renovations, the condition of the property, the type of view and even the slope of the land,” he explained.

“Users will be able to receive accurate interactive valuations while inspecting properties, based on the attributes they witness during inspections.”

In recognition of its innovation, SQM Research has won a Federal Government research and development tax credit that will enable it to complete its industry-leading platform, the firm said.

The credit will also be put “towards delivering enhanced desktop valuations services,” and integrating residential property analysis into a service-oriented IT architecture.

SQM Research has set up free trials of the platform for advisers interested in utilising its services.