European Wealth revamps fund to attract clients in Far East

European Wealth has unveiled a new name and investment policy for its global opportunities fund in a push to attract new business in the Far East.

European Wealth revamps fund to attract clients in Far East


The £1bn ($1.29bn, €1.1bn) fund has been renamed the European Wealth Global Managed Strategy Fund and will no longer invest solely in equities.

From 11 August this year, the fund has moved away from its 100% reliance to global equities and will incorporate more fixed interest products and Reits into its exposure.

The changes are in response to growing demand for more defensive structures from IFAs and wealth managers in the Far East, group chief exeucitve John Morton said.

“It’s been driven by interest in the fund but particularly from IFAs in the Far East who very clearly want a fund with a slightly more defensive stance,” Morton said.

“We have moved from 100% equities to more of a 75/25 split between equities and more fixed interest.”

Strategy change delivering

In a statement published on Friday, the firm said it will seek to deliver “long term capital appreciation over inflation” with the portfolio made up of collective investment schemes, Reits and equities including fixed interest stocks such as corporate and government stocks and government bonds giving fixed interest.

Morton added: “It’s great to see we have already had more business coming through since the strategy was changed.”

He said he was looking forward to the second half of 2017 after two shareholders bought a 48% stake in European Wealth raising £8.8m in June, leaving the firm debt free for the first time in its history.

Morton said the deal “tidied up our balance sheet” and has allowed the firm to get back on to the “front foot” to further expand the business.