HSBC Global AM reveals emerging market debt funds

HSBC Global Asset Management has launched two new emerging market debt funds.


The HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Investment Grade Bond invests in investment grade emerging market sovereign and corporate securities. Its benchmark is made up of a 50%/50% split across JP Morgan’s GBI-Emerging Markets Global Diversified Investment Grade Index and its EMBI Global Investment Grade Index.

The second fund, the HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Corporate Debt, invests in investment and sub-investment grade corporate debt either located in, or that carry out a relevant part of their business activities, in emerging markets. It is benchmarked against the JP Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index – Diversified.

Both funds are part of the company’s Global Investment Funds Sicav and will invest in both hard and local currency securities.  They will be managed by a team led by Guillermo Osses, head of global emerging market debt portfolio management.

The firm’s existing emerging market capabilities include local debt and global emerging market bond funds.