Financial sector split on whether UK should leave EU

The financial services sector is split over whether or not the UK would be better off leaving the EU


In a poll of more than 500 financial services sector workers by the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, 51% said the UK should stay within the European community while the other 49% said the country would be benefit by quitting the EU.

According to CISI, one supporter of remaining in the EU warned: “It would be a great tragedy not just for the UK, but future world stability if Britain left the EU.”

Meanwhwile another added “for better or worse our destiny lies in closer integration with Europe” and “the EU has better bargaining strength than the UK alone”.

Making the case for a split with the EU, one respondent said: “We’re an entrepreneurial lot (shopkeepers according to Napolean). The UK economy would make progress outside EU control.”

Another respondent added if the UK left the EU it would not be required to comply with EU directives which “drag down its economy”.