Credit Suisse names Baluchi to Jersey post

Credit Suisse has named Mo Baluchi head of intermediaries at its Jersey operation, a new position.


Baluchi will be charged with developing the Credit Suisse Jersey branch’s intermediary network, according to Jersey branch head Steve Eldred, who noted that the island’s  fiduciary market was expanding and would benefit from the wealth management products and investment services Credit Suisse provides.

The types of intermediary businesses Credit Suisse caters for in Jersey include trust companies, law firms, tax advisers and accountants, which are typically based on the island and have clients who are resident locally as well as off-island. 

Baluchi comes to Credit Suisse from Close International Private Bank, where he was senior manager in the client relations team. A 14-year veteran of the financial services industry, primarily in  Jersey, Baluchi previously worked on the intermediary desk for an international private bank in Jersey as its UK regional sales manager.

Credit Suisse first opened its Jersey branch, which offers investment services only, in 2004. It also has an operation in Guernsey, which dates back to 1986.