mirabaud opens third spanish office

Swiss wealth and asset management company Mirabaud has opened an office in Valencia, joining its existing Spanish premises in Madrid and Barcelona.

mirabaud opens third spanish office


The new office will focus on wealth management and is part of a wider strategy for the group to expand its presence in Spain. This strategy saw Mirabaud recruit Francisco Gómez-Trenor García del Moral as chief executive of wealth and asset management earlier this year.

Part of Moral’s role has been to select and lead a team of finance professionals who will now offer their services through the new Valencia office. These include Javier Lucas Pérez, Mirabaud’s commercial director, Luis Fernando Capilla Dejoz, valencia director, Jose González Cabrera, assistant director, and Sonia Yllera Calatayud, commercial support.

Antonio Palma, Mirabaud CEO and partner, said: “In 2010, when Mirabaud launched its operations in Spain, we identified the expansion of our wealth management services as a priority objective.

“The opening of the Valencia office is a critical step in achieving this and follows other important decisions previously taken along the same lines, such as reinforcing the wealth management teams in Madrid and Barcelona and the investment management team in Madrid, and setting up a special division to offer these services to artists and sports people. Valencia represents a decisive and emphatic position, and we are sure it will be appreciated by our clients in the Levante and the rest of Spain.”