Royal London 360°names new head of investment

Royal London 360° has appointed Vicky Ackers as head of investment.


In her new role, Ackers will manage a team of more than 20 dealing and investment specialists responsible for the administration of funds available at Royal London 360°.

Prior to joining the company, she spent eight years as a relationship manager at HSBC Custody Services Limited where she led a team managing existing and potential clients across the UK, Europe, America and Argentina.

Before her position at HSBC, she spent four years as custody operations manager at the Bank of Bermuda on the Isle of Man, managing a department of 20 staff responsible for client fund dealing and the maintenance of a global custody network.

Terry Kelly, director of customer operations at Royal London 360°, welcomed Ackers to the role.
“Her knowledge and passion for her work will be crucial as the company undergoes a restructure towards Royal London 360° achieving further success and working with a fantastic team of people,” he said.

Commenting on her appointment, Ackers said: “I am looking forward to the challenge of being part of such a successful and dynamic offshore life company, contributing towards Royal London 360° achieving further future success and working with a fantastic team of people.”

She added: “It is important we work to further enhance our already strong customer focus and become the offshore provider of choice for international IFAs.”

Predecessor Kennett has been appointed head of investment strategy where he will focus on the management of Royal London 360°’s investment strategy and the implementation of a new dealing infrastructure in conjunction with InvestPro.