uk business ambassador bob wigley joins Qatar

Business heavyweight Bob Wigley has been called in by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority to help promote the country to the wider financial services industry.

uk business ambassador bob wigley joins Qatar


As a non-executive director, the QFC Authority said Wigley’s appointment is in line with its strategic focus on asset management, reinsurance and captives insurance. The QFC Authority said he will be expected to mainly focus on promoting Qatar as a “major regional hub for asset management”.

Wigley was formerly chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe, Middle East and Africa and is currently chairman of Yell Group. He was appointed as an ambassador for UK Business by Prime Minister David Cameron, last year.

Abdulrahman Al-Shaibi, managing director of the QFC Authority, said: “Bob’s vast experience, both globally and in the Middle East, his contacts and his deep knowledge of financial centres and the asset management industry will be hugely valuable to the QFC Authority. This is an excellent appointment and we very much look forward to working with Bob over the next few years.”