Jupiter launches funds for Manzi and Geldard

Jupiter is launching two Luxembourg-domiciled Sicavs for managers Miles Geldard and Lee Manzi.


The Jupiter Strategic Total Return and Jupiter Global Convertibles funds are both Ucits III compliant and are both sub-funds of the Jupiter Global Fund Sicav.

Jupiter said the new funds have been designed to play to the strengths Geldard and Manzi have established in global convertibles, fixed income and multi asset, using an investment process which blends top down macro-economic analysis with quantitative and qualitative research at the security level.

The Jupiter Strategic Total Return Fund can invest in a number of different asset classes, including equities, bonds, convertible bonds, currencies and money market securities on an international basis. 

The firm said it is intended to provide a steady return so investors can “ride the waves through what will be turbulent times.”

Meanwhile the Jupiter Global Convertibles Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth through investment in a portfolio of convertible bond securities on a global basis. It is a long only fund which will seek to maximise the asymmetric return characteristics of the asset class. It will be diversified globally and can invest in any country, industry sector, credit rating or market capitalisation.