jersey signs dta with qatar during middle east

Jersey has signed a double taxation agreement with Qatar as part of a five day visit to the Middle East region by representatives from Jerseys finance industry and government.

jersey signs dta with qatar during middle east


The DTA was signed in Doha, Qatar’s capital, yesterday by Jersey senator Sir Philip Bailhache, assistant chief minister with responsibility for external affairs, and Moftah Jassim Al Moftah, Qatar’s director of public revenues and taxes.

It is the fourth full DTA which Jersey has signed that complies with the OECD Model Agreement, the other three being with Estonia, Hong Kong and Malta.

Signing the DTA, Bailhache said he is keen to continue to strengthen ties with the state. He added: “During my visit I also had the great pleasure of meeting His Excellency Yousef Hussain Kamal, the minister of economy and finance, with whom I discussed the trading and investment opportunities which we are sure will be better taken advantage of to our mutual benefit as result of the agreement.”