aifmd as business threat but more transparency

The challenges fund managers face complying with the Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD) are highlighted by a survey from Deloitte, the business advisory firm.

aifmd as business threat but more transparency


Nearly three-quarters (72%) of surveyed managers viewed AIFMD as a business threat and the biggest concerns for fund managers are depositary costs (84%), delegation (78%), changes to contractual arrangements and routes to market (67%). Collectively these reduce the attractiveness of Europe as a place to do business.

Smaller managers, private equity and real estate are more likely to see AIFMD as a business threat while those companies that regard AIFMD as an opportunity manage at least £1bn of assets.

Stuart Opp, lead investment partner at Deloitte, said: “The survey shows that AIFMD will increase transparency for investors. More than half of respondents (53%) plan to provide investors with additional information as a result of AIFMD’s regulatory reporting requirements. 

However, increased transparency and investor protection will be counterbalanced by less choice and competition in the market, increased expense ratios, confusion over leverage figures and longer redemption terms in some cases.

He added: “Given the widespread concerns with the directive, it comes as no surprise that a sizeable majority of respondents view AIFMD as a business threat. The depositary, marketing and remuneration rules required under AIFMD will have significant business impacts on fund managers.”

Deloitte surveyed 23 hedge, private equity and real estate fund managers collectively managing £175bn of assets.The AIFMD came into force in July 2011. It regulates how Alternative Investment Fund Managers distribute their funds and operate their business. An implementing regulation from the European Commission is expected in September of 2012.