Henderson merges New Star Dublin Oeic into Lux Sicav

The New Star European Growth Dublin Oeic has now merged into the Henderson Horizon Luxembourg Sicav.


The merger follows the acquisition last year of New Star by Henderson Global Investors and is part of its ongoing fund consolidation plans. The €92.5m fund is managed by Richard Pease and Simon Rowe and follows an investment process based on the belief focusing on quality, but modestly valued, business will outperform over the long term.

According to figures from Henderson, the fund has returned 73% since its launch on 16 August 2002 to the end of May compared with the FTSE Europe ex UK index which return 46.71% over the same period.

Greg Jones, director of continental European retail at Henderson, said he was pleased to be able to now offer this fund to clients outside of the UK.

Meanwhile, talking about the current investment prospects in Europe, Pease said he believed with the current ‘noise’ around sovereign debt and companies having had to become more efficient over the past couple of years, there are now some good opportunities for long term investment.

“Good companies have a habit of doing well irrespective of the economic situation and obsessing about market movements can distract investors from good investment opportunities,” said Pease.