global index intl rehires two to oversee growth

Global Index International, the Rio de Janeiro-based advisory group, has hired two senior consultants, both of whom are returning to the company after intervals of five and a little more than one year, respectively.

global index intl rehires two to oversee growth


Lawrence King had been an adviser with the company between 2005 and 2008, based in Brazil, but left that year to take a similar role with AES International. He has now returned to Global Index, where he will advise clients from an office located in Southern Africa.

“I came back because I missed the dynamism and energy that Global Index exudes, which is largely driven by [Global Index founder and chief executive] John Fleming,” King said.  
James Maxwell has been living and working in Colombia for the last 15 years. In 2010 he joined Global Index, but left two years later to go to a Colombian advisory business. 
He too is now back with Global Index and advising its clients out of Bogota, where he said he is looking forward to “implementing a long-term strategy for the country and surrounding Andean region” and “growing a Bogota team with plenty of local knowledge and a visible presence”, in partnership with  Fleming.  
“I came back to Global Index because they share my long-term vision,” Maxwell said. “This is no short-term project.

"Our plan for Bogota and the region is to have a recognised image here, with partnerships with many local and international companies.”
Fleming said King and Maxwell were “excellent” advisers, and for this reason he is glad to have them working for the company again.
Global Index was founded by Fleming in 2005, although its origins date back to 1996, when what began as a backpacking expedition in 1991 became a permanent relocation on his part to South America. The company now has seven offices across the continent, including three in Brazil, and is expanding into Africa, where it has been looking after clients since 2008. Global Index specialises in looking after expatriates working in the extractive commodities industry, such as oil and gas  mining.

To read a profile on the company, click here.