trevor smith to head boal and co asia op

Isle of Man-based Boal & Co has recruited Trevor Smith from Standard Life to a new position of regional director for Asia.

trevor smith to head boal and co asia op


Smith, who was previously chief distribution officer for Standard Life (Asia), will be Boal & Co’s first representative based in the Far East.

Operating from Hong Kong, he will be responsible for promoting international pensions propositions in key markets throughout the Far East, including its multi-jurisdictional QROPS range of Gibraltar and Isle of Man pension schemes.

Smith has already been based in Hong Kong for 12 years, with his previous role at Standard Life from 2011 and at Friends Provident International, where he was sales director, North Asia.

It was at FPI when he gained first-hand experience of Boal & Co’s range of multi-jurisdictional QROPS and international pension plans.

Smith reports to managing director Gary Boal and he takes up his post with immediate effect.

Boal said he worked alongside Smith when he first took the firm’s QROPS message to the international adviser market in 2009. “Trevor was instrumental in introducing us to the top end of the adviser market then”, he said.

Boal & Co has QROPS members in 51 countries. In the corporate market, Boal & Co currently provides international pension plan solutions to 11 FT ‘Global 500’ companies. The total international pension funds under the firm’s management are in excess of US$ 1.5bn.

Boal & Co launched its Select pension scheme into the Middle East, Asia and parts of Africa for the first time in mid 2012.