gulf ipos fall 80 in q4 2011

The value of initial public offerings in the Gulf region fell by 79% year-on-year in the last quarter of 2011, according to a PwC report.

gulf ipos fall 80 in q4 2011


The findings, which have been widely reported in the Gulf today, are a worrying indicator for a region which has been suffering from the effects of the Arab Spring and continued political uncertainty.

PwC found there were only three IPOs during the period, which raised $212m, a 3% fall in value on the previous quarter.

According to Arabian, which reported on the research, Saudi Arabia contributed two of the three IPOs, raising $148m, or 70%, of the total raised across the region – an indication, said the newspaper, of the strength of the Kingdom.

Furthermore, the average IPO size during the quarter dropped significantly from $343m in the fourth quarter of 2010 to just $71m last year.

During the whole of 2011 there were only nine IPOs, raising a total of $789m, down from 12 listings claiming a total of $2.013bn in 2010.