Loomis Sayles launches Ucits versions of US, global growth funds

Loomis Sayles Investments has announced the launch of Ucits versions of both its US and global large-cap growth strategy.

Loomis Sayles launches Ucits versions of US, global growth funds


The Luxembourg-based funds are both managed by Aziz Hamzaogullari and his team of dedicated research analysts.

The Loomis Sayles US Growth Equity Fund follows exactly the same strategy as the firm’s US-registered fund that Hamzaogullari began managing in June 2010, the France-based Natixis Actions US Growth Fund, that launched in January 2011 and the UK-based Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders Fund, that launched in April 2013.

The Loomis Sayles Global Growth Equity Fund follows the same strategy as the US funds, but has a wider universe, and is a mirror of the US-version of the fund that launched in March 2016.

Both funds, take a long-term, private-equity approach to investing, investing only in high-quality businesses that demonstrate sustainable, profit growth and that trade at what the team believes is a significant discount to intrinsic value.

It also has a strict sell discipline, selling stocks if positions become larger than 5% of the overall portfolio and as they reach intrinsic value.