CISI forms council in Gibraltar to promote services

The CISI has formed an advisory council to support its development in Gibraltar.


The National Advisory Council, composed of five practitioners, will represent the local industry and direct the work of the Institute in Gibraltar.

The council is headed by Mark Maloney, managing director of Gibraltar Asset Management, with committee members Lindsay Adamson, retired stockbroker and currently a licensed director of several investor funds; John Holliwell, director, Line Management Services; Paul Tapsell, associate director, SG Hambros Bank; Clark Elder, compliance project manager, Global Advisory Services.

It has been put together to promote the CISI’s range of professional qualifications and, in partnership with the Gibraltar Funds & Investment Association, offer regular continuing professional development events to those working in the financial services sector.

All CISI exams are available by self-study and Global Advisory Services has recently been accredited to run direct training courses in Gibraltar for a number of the Institute’s qualifications.

In addition, CISI said the Gibraltar Department of Education and Training “is receptive” to its submission (supported by the FSC and Gibraltar Bankers’ Association) for funding.

Simon Culhane FCSI, CISI chief executive said: “Those working in Gibraltar wishing to progress their careers in the industry now have access to our programmes locally, covering advice, asset management, compliance, IT and wealth management.

“We are very pleased to support Gibraltar as a financial services centre with our qualifications and continuing professional development programmes. We are also delighted to receive the endorsement of the Gibraltar Department of Education and Training and we look forward to working with the National Advisory Council.”