the rdr plus points no one predicted

The UK has become a more attractive investment destination in the past year due in part to the wider range of choice offered to investors as a result of RDR, according to research from Morningstar.

the rdr plus points no one predicted


The country was upgraded from a C+ destination to a B- in the 2013 edition of Morningstar’s Global Fund Investor Experience Report and was praised for its open architecture and better-than-average tax regime for investors.

High fees were cited as a negative, although this is expected to improve as a result of RDR, while the switch from the simplified prospectus to the KIID detracted from the country’s disclosure grade.

The report also revealed the median asset-weighted expense ratios across a number of asset classes; see the chart below.

Test criteria

The report graded countries across four broad categories – regulation and taxation, disclosure, fees & expenses and sales & media.

The UK topped the chart in terms of sales and media, both due to the outlets from which investments can be accessed and the extensive coverage of investment in the media.

The top and bottom scorer for each category is shown in the table below.

Category Top performer Bottom performer
Regulation and taxation Singapore South Africa
Disclosure US South Africa
Fees and expenses US Canada
Sales and Media UK Belgium, Spain and Thailand

The broader picture

The UK’s score was broadly in line with the rest of Europe, and was the same as that of Spain, Sweden and Germany. It outperformed France (C+), and underperformed Netherlands.

The US was named as the most attractive investment destination, and was awarded the only A rating. Fees there are significantly below those charged to European investors despite the relatively equal size of the two markets.

South Africa was deemed the worst investment environment, with poor disclosure, and unfavourable regulatory and tax regimes.