450 jobs created in Jersey last year

More than 450 new jobs were created by new firms in Jersey last year.

450 jobs created in Jersey last year


Highlights from the organisation’s annual report revealed that 36 new licences were awarded in the crown dependency last year following 92 inward investment enquiries. In addition, 64 undergraduates undertook summer employment through the internship programme.

Senator Alan Maclean, minister for economic development in Jersey, praised the organisation’s efforts.

“Despite being on the second year of its operation, 2010 proved another challenging and successful year for Jersey Enterprise. In addition to delivering an ambitious business plan, the team successfully implemented a programme of additional stimulus initiatives to support local businesses through the economic turndown.”

Andrew Sugden, director of Jersey Enterprise, welcomed the new businesses and underlined the organisation’s goal of continuing its support of new and established businesses.

“Given the recent employment statistics, more than ever it is time to inform, inspire and enable start-up businesses in Jersey. We must allow new companies to flourish and ensire that they are ready to maximise opportunities that will emerge once global economic conditions improve.”

This year the organisation will be involved in contributing towards the development of a new States Economic Growth Strategy, which is to include a revised Enterprise Strategy for Jersey.